Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here. We’re Rebecca and Liesl and we're looking forward to taking steps together to positively impact our communities. We’re looking forward to getting to know a little more about you.
Here’s our story, in brief: We met through Freecycle, of all things! We each had weird gifts that we posted with funny stories, and mutually adored, and wanted to share a few words with neighbors about our stuff. But it turned out a lot of what we wanted to do was against Freecycle rules. We both were kicked out, for a spell, and we realized we could build something that would meet our need to share narratives about our things we were gifting, that the items all had stories, and…let’s face it…stuff can be funny, and stuff connects us.
We also discovered an abundance of plastic washing ashore where we live on Bainbridge Island, Washington, and collected every large and miniscule piece we could pick up. Carloads would amply describe how much plastic we’ve brought home to inventory and document and sometimes turn into educational art for the community to witness.
The Buy Nothing Project and a global circular economy of person-to-person giving, asking, and sharing is our answer to the excessive plastic waste we see washing up on our high tide-lines and and perfectly-usable stuff mindlessly tossed in our local dumpsters. We
wrote a book about our adventures and they continue today as this is an evolving experiment that you are now a part of. We also wrote a mission statement to guide our experiment, and it rests at the foundation of everything we build together.